See below for the suppliers and why they may be of interest to FO, this week I met with Five V, Trispan, Katana Asset Management, Giles Wade, Green Pool Capital, Stenham, Partners Wealth Group.
Five V – Met with one of the co-founders of this Mid-Market PE firm to discuss the new Horizons fund.
Why Of Interest (WOI)?
A firm with a good track record, they are launching this new perpetual fund that seems to be aimed at the wealth management space. It invests directly (no FoF), minimum ticket has dropped to $100K, with quarterly liquidity. The are starting with five of their current portfolio companies, looking to grow to 12-16.
For families not looking to write big tickets or would like to invest in the space but baulk at the lock ups, this may be of interest.
Trispan– I met with Gregor Lanz via zoom to discuss the firm, a London/New York based PE firm. They were introduced to me via an Australian Family Office.
WOI – The firm was borne from a family office; they invest in restaurants and other sectors that I don’t see very often. They also seem happy to start from scratch with entrepreneurs, they have the Yo Sushi founder on the board. The co-invest theme is very strong, they syndicate a lot of deals.
Katana Asset Management – A Perth based Australian equity fund.
WOI – Potentially unique process that seems to perform well across the cycle, for family offices that are looking at funds that can hold a fair amount of cash and don’t look like the index.
Giles Wade – A well- established boutique wealth manager that has put feet on the ground in Perth.
WOI – for any family offices looking at wealth managers that specialise in the UHNW/FO and NFP space.
Greenpool Capital – real estate specialists.
WOI – They acquire, develop, manage and advise on Australian property, family offices without this internal skill set can use them for outsourcing.
Stenham – London based Hedge Fund or Funds specialists, I was introed by a large family office and met them in Perth. .
WOI – families looking for hedge fund programs, access to Global Macro funds with restricted access/large ticket sizes or to outsource this very specialised due diligence process.
Private Wealth Group – Melbourne based wealth manager.
WOI – families seeking a boutique wealth manager that provides private markets and customised portfolios.
To discuss any of the above, feel free to book in 30-minute zoom via this link - https://calendly.com/hall-road/hall-road-members-zoom
“Hall Road Investments Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No. 001279456) of Non Correlated Capital Pty Ltd (AFSL No. 499882). Shaun Parkin is an Authorised Representative (AR No 001279458) of Hall Road Investments Pty Ltd (CAR No. 001279456) and is authorised to provide general advice to wholesale investors”
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